DJs Gold Coast


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Mercury Soul use the following song list as a foundation but if you see a song not on our list just ask, chances are the band will already know it, or it will be easy to learn. The guys also don’t mind learning a few songs especially for the wedding dance as it makes the occasion personal and awesome!


1000 years

All night long ( ukulele version) ACDC

Amazed Lonestar

all for you

all i want is you

all of me John Legend

babylon david gray E

better together jack johnson G

billie jean Michael jackson Em

black and gold Sam Sparrow Em

black or white D

body is a wonderland john mayer G

boys light up b minor

brown eyed girl Van Morrison G

bust a move

Belief John Mayer

Better Man Robbie Williams

Better man Pearl Jam

cant always get what you want stones B

chasing cars

Call me Al Paul Simon

dumb things Paul kelly Am

Dakota Stereophonics

Diamonds on the inside

Dont dream its over Crowded House

Dont worry be happy Bobby Mcferrin

Dream catch me Newton faulkner

Englishman in new York Sting


fifteen feet of snow Deisel

flame trees b

free falling E


Gone in the morning newton faulkner

green limousine badloves A

Have I told you lately that I love you

Heaven Bryan Adams

Hotel California ( latin version)

hallelujah Jeff Buckley version

how sweet it is to be loved by you james taylor G

hurt so good A

I wont give up Jason Mraz

Im ready Bryan Adams

Im yours Jason Mraz

It’s probably me Sting


is this love E minor

its only natural crowded house E

Love cats The Cure

kiss c#

lean on me G

long train running D

lovely day Donovan Frankenreiter

lover lover B

lucky jason mraz

Marry Me Train

Marry you Bruno Mars

mr jones Am

my girl temptations C

never miss your water diesel A

on top of the world imagine dragons

opportunity pete murray G

play that funky music E

private universe crowded house Bbm

rehab C


So beautiful Bruno Mars

Stuck in the middle with you

Sweet child of mine ( ukulele version)

sail away David Gray

smooth Bm

somewhere over the rainbow/what a wonderful world

space cowboy G

stand by me G

steal my kisses ben harper G

stuck in the middle D

superstition Stevie wonder E

the horses daryl B D

the letter a minor

the way you make me feel Michael Jackson B

throw your arms around me

tip of my tongue Diesel B

The Blowers Daughter

The Wedding Song Angus and Julia

The one I love David Gray

Thinking out loud Ed Sheeran

Use somebody Kings of leon

walking in memphis C

walking on the moon a minor

your the voice John Farnham C

Waiting on the world to change

Walking on sunshine

When you say nothing at all

Why Georgia John Mayer

You and me Lifehouse

You are the best thing Ray Lamontagne