DJs Gold Coast


5 4 Reviews Gold Coast Phone: 1300 443 210


La Vie En Rose - Edith Piaf

Atit ti r de Mi nuit (Round Midnight) - Les Nubiens

Les ['mitres Mertes (Autumn Leaves) - Standard

Jai Deux Amours - Madeleine Peyroux

Nagasaki - 30s Standard

Sweet Georgia Brown • 30s Standard

La Caravane - Brigitte Fontaine

Attila Marcel - Ben Charest

Julie Mome - Juliette Greco

When I get low I get high - Ella Fitzgerald

Dance me to the end of love - Madeleine Peyroux

Nice work if you can get it - Standard

Chanson Pour LAuvergnat - Charles Aznavour

An Absence of Gin - Original

La Foule - Edith Piaf

Belleville Rendez-vous - Triplets of Belleville


lAutre Bout Du Monde - Emily Loizeau

Dans Ma Rue - Edith Piaf

Moonglow - Standard

All of me - Standard

Is you is or is you ain't my baby - Standard

Do you know what it means to miss new orleans Standard

Sympathique - Pink Martini

Too darn hot - Standard

Istanbul - Paris Combo

Danse des Esprits - Paris Combo

Ain't Misbehavin - Standard

Old devil moon - Standard

Reverie - Original

Georgia - Standard

Undecided - Standard

Fibre Dc Verre - Paris Combo